Cutting, uprooting 175 trees for road safety!

Police today Thursday a man for cutting and uprooting flowering trees on a road divider and footpath of a road in the Kashiadanga area of Rajshahi City Corporation. On Wednesday, some people cut off at least 125 trees leaving the stumps, and uprooted around 50 more flowering trees of different species there. The incident occurred between 10.30am and 11.30am on an area stretching 500 meters on the bypass road from Sayergachha to Kashiadanga intersection. The arrestee Naim Islam, 25, of the Haldarpara area of the city, claimed that they cut the trees as those were obstructing the drivers' view, especially on the bends of the road causing accidents. The trees were of Karabi, musanda, big rangan, and mini rangan flower varieties, said Syed Mahmud Ul Islam, environment development officer of Rajshahi City Corporation. "Most of the trees were bearing flowers. It was sad to see those cut off," Mahmud said adding that he filed a complaint with Kashiadanga police station in this ...