Katimon mango cultivation growing in Rajshahi - Higher value, potential for year-round production encouraging farmers

Rafiqul Islam, a resident of Rajshahi's Durgapur upazila, is breaking the mould when it comes to mango farming as he cultivates a non-traditional variety of the fruit called Katimon that grows year-round. And although most mango orchards make good tourist spots during the summer months, Islam's orchard on the bank of his leased pond is unlikely to attract anyone as the trees are no more than six feet tall. However, this is no cause for concern as despite being smaller in stature, these mango trees earn him far more money compared to traditional ones. "One has little chance of incurring losses cultivating Katimon mangoes," said Islam, an agricultural entrepreneur. He only harvests the fruit at the end of August, when the traditional mango season usually comes to an end. As a result, he faces no competition. By taking advantage of the off-season sales, Katimon mangoes bring him three times higher profit compared to traditional varieties. "I harvest the fruit only w...