Birshreshtha Hamidur finally laid to rest in homeland

Birshreshtha Hamidur finally laid to rest in homeland
Birshreshtha Hamidur Rahman

Birshreshtha Hamidur Rahman was finally laid to eternal rest in his independent homeland with state honours.


Before the burial, the nation paid last respect to the Liberation War hero as his remains was brought to the National Parade Square at Shere-e-Bangla Nagar in the capital this morning.


President Iajuddin Ahmed, also supreme commander of the armed forces, formally received the coffin that contained the remains of Hamidur at the parade square and placed wreath at the coffin draped with the national flag at about 10:40am.


Chief Adviser Fakhruddin Ahmed also placed wreath at the coffin after the president.


A munajat was offered for divine blessing for the departed soul of the valiant freedom fighter, but the scheduled namaj-e-janaza was not held as he was buried in Ambasa in the Indian state of Tripura after namaj-e-janaza following his death in battle.


A brief life sketch of the Birshreshtha was read out before offering the munajat, recalling his life and fight during the Liberation War in 1971.


Hamidur was born at Khorda Khalispur in Moheshpur upazila of Jhenidah in February 2, 1953.


The freedom fighter, youngest among the seven war heroes posthumously decorated with the highest gallantry award, embraced martyrdom during a battle with the Pakistani occupation forces on Sylhet border on October 28 in 1971.


Earlier, a smartly-turned-out contingent drawn from the army, navy and air force gave a guard of honour to the remains of the valiant war hero.


Military buglers sounded the last post to pay respect to the memory of the martyred soldier as the president, the chief adviser and other dignitaries and people of various professions stood in solemn silence.


A 21 gun-salute boomed as pall-bearers entered the parade square venue at 10:35am. Six army personnel carried the coffin on their shoulders from the vehicle and kept it on a podium.


The Speaker, advisers of the caretaker government, chiefs of the three services, family members of Birshreshtha Hamidur Rahman and other Birshreshthas, political leaders, freedom fighters, senior civil and military officials, diplomats, distinguished personalities of different professions, and members of the armed forces were, among others, present to pay homage to the valiant war hero.


The ceremonies over, the remains of Hamidur Rahman were kept for 20 minutes at the venue.


On behalf of the family members of seven Birshreshthas, mother of Birshreshtha Abdur Rouf, who is now very old, placed wreath at the coffin of Hamidur's remains.


The Speaker, the deputy speaker and political leaders, among others, placed wreaths at the coffin.


Earlier, at 6:00am today, a vehicle of the military police started towards Dhaka with the remains of Hamidur Rahman from Comilla Cantonment.


Later, the remains were taken to Dhaka Cantonment in a ceremonial motorcade from Jatrabari and then taken to the National Parade Square.


The remains of Birshreshtha Hamidur Rahman reached his beloved homeland yesterday, 36 years after his martyrdom during Bangladesh's liberation war. (DS said quoting UNB)


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