
Municipality mayor constructs commercial buildings on govt land

Without any governmental approval, two multi-storied commercial buildings are being constructed along the Dhaka-Rajshahi highway, occupying government land and canals. What's more, the establishments are being built by the mayor of Katakhali municipality, under Rajshahi's Paba upazila. Not approved by any government agency, the buildings aren't part of the municipal body's official activities either. Yet, land officials are stopping short of calling them 'illegal'. "We don't want to call the construction works illegal, as they're being done out of public interest," said Sheikh Ahsan Uddin, Assistant Commissioner (Land) of Paba upazila. However, replying to another question, the AC Land contradicted himself and said the authority has asked the mayor to stop the works and apply for necessary permissions before resuming the works 'legally'. Talking to The Daily Star, mayor Abbas Ali claimed he was constructing the buildings with funds

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RU admission seekers struggle to find a place to stay as exams start | Desperation over accommodation

As feared, many admission seekers of Rajshahi University (RU) and their guardians were desperate to find a place to stay yesterday, and the situation was exacerbated by unusually high accommodation rents in the city. RU authorities began holding its three-day honours admission tests yesterday, keeping students' residential halls, bar the women's dorms, closed. Some 1.28 lakh students are sitting for the tests, which will be held till October 6. Many admission seekers and their guardians said they had to sleep under the open sky, after finding no place to stay. Some were seen passing the night on footpaths, and some stayed inside the buses by which they came to Rajshahi. Rents for seats (dormitory accommodation) soared. A seat that used to go for Tk 1,200 per month was rented out for at least Tk 3,000 per night. "I was roaming around the train station, planning to spend the night there. Finally, a person offered me a room to stay along with six other admission see

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Where will all the students stay? As RU halls remain shut, 1.28 lakh admission seekers may not find proper accommodation

Every year, during Rajshahi University's (RU) admission tests, the institute's halls welcome thousands of admission seekers from different corners of the country. According to teachers, student leaders and guardians, the dormitories usually house around 50 percent of admission seekers, particularly students from non-affluent families and those from far flung areas. This year, however, admission seekers are likely to face an acute accommodation crisis. Although the tests will be held in the first week of October, authorities are keeping the campus halls shut. RU Vice Chancellor Prof Golam Sabbir Sattar told The Daily Star that opening halls during the pandemic would be risky. He also argued that he did not get enough time to decide, as the tests were scheduled before he became VC in late August. Some 1.28 lakh admission seekers, divided under three units, are likely to sit for the tests, scheduled to be held in three shifts per day on October 4, 5 and 6. Meanwhile

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Rajshahi court observes social system responsible for sexual offences

A court in Rajshahi Tuesday observed that the main reason behind sexual offences against women in Bangladesh is its social system where victims of sexual crimes are blamed more than the criminals. While delivering judgement into a case of sexual offence in Bogura district’s Kahalu upazila of January 2017, Md Ziaur Rahman, judge of the Cyber Tribunal, Rajshahi made the observation, Ismat Ara public prosecutor of the court said. “The society smears her (victim of sexual offences) in such a way that it is as if she had committed the crime,” the court observed and continued to read, “Our system makes the victim think that such a crime happened because of her roles.” In the judgement, the court wrote, the victims of sexual crimes face various discriminations and social injustices, and they become cornered in their societies and even in their own families. The court showed highest honour to the victim in the Bogura case to set an example, the public prosecutor said. The court gave the victim