The axe now turns to militant patrons, godfathers -- ex BNP minister, BNP leader Shis Mohammad were sued by JMJB torture victim

Barrister Aminul Haque The action against patrons and godfathers of the banned militant outfit Jama'atul Mujahidin, Bangladesh is to start soon. The executions of Six top Jama'atul Mujahidin, Bangladesh (JMB) militants on late Thursday marked the end of the country's firt overtly run militancy campaign that rattled the nation through a series of blasts and suicide bombings in 2005. The axe now turns to its patrons. Ex-BNP post and tele-communication minister Barrister Aminul Haque and Rajshahi district BNP general secretary Shis Mohammad were sued at Bagmara police station in Rajshahi on Friday night for patronising Siddikul Ialam Bangla Bhai’s Jagrata Muslim Janata, Bangladesh (JMJB) in 2004. They who were earlier named by Bangla Bhai as patrons of Jama’atul Mujahidin, Bangladesh were alleged in the case for masterminding JMJB operations in Rajshahi, Naogaon and Natore in 2004 and patronising militants. Other 26 militants were also accused in the case that was filed by JMJ...