Militants may regroup as 12 decisions unimplemented

Intelligence agencies fear that militancy might rear its head again as the 12 decisions the government took to step up its campaign against the menace about a year ago remain unimplemented.

There is a strong possibility that the militants still at large might mount fresh attacks. Their leaders behind bars might pass them instructions to that end, taking advantage of slow trial of the cases against them, observed intelligence officials.

Besides, they added, absence of motivational and reorientation programmes for over 500 detained militants, mostly operatives of banned Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) and Harkat-ul-Jihad al Islami (Huji), keeps alive the threat of militancy even though it has been on the wane for some time.

"Since there are no motivational programmes for the militants in jails, they might become sucked into militancy again on return to society after serving out terms. Not only that, they might try to brainwash the other inmates to join them," said a top official of Rapid Action Battalion (Rab), the elite crime busters who tore through the militant network and nabbed many militant leaders and activists.

Speaking in return for anonymity, he also said the laxity of the authorities could result in militants making a comeback.

Talking to The Daily Star recently, Rab Additional Director General Col Gulzar Uddin Ahmed acknowledged the risk.
Read the Daily Star report Published On: 2008-06-21


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