Hizb ut-Tahrir leaders freed

The ten Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT) leaders, including four university teachers, who were arrested in Rajshahi two weeks back on suspicion of inciting anti-government activities and involvement in militancy were released from Rajshahi Central Jail on Tuesday night.

Hundreds of HT activists, who drove to Rajshahi from the capital as news on their getting bail came through, greeted them as they came out of the Jail gate at 8pm.

The release came as they posted bail from the Rajshahi District and Sessions Judge's Court earlier in the day.

The Hizb ut-Tahrir high-ups were detained at Rajshahi City Press Club on September 18, before a scheduled press conference there.

Invoking Section 54 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC), police showed them arrested on suspicion of using religious sentiments to foment anti-government activities and having involvement in militancy.

A metropolitan magistrate court later in the day rejected their bail petitions as police said investigation into the allegations were still going on.

The accused appealed to the district and sessions judge's court after the lower court again rejected their bail petitions the following day.

They posted bail yesterday in the morning and were freed after paperwork reached jail authorities in the evening.



  1. It is a great news. Its really strange why media totally flushed the news.Actually I saw two years back that Hizbul tahrir was the only org which stood against the bomb blast it many districts of Bangladesh.As far as I remember media din't cover that as well.I wonder if there any ideological fight between the media and islam.otherwise why would they put so much time portraying educated, honest, good islamic people as terrorists.

  2. the truth is that all islamist extremists always see in their own ways forgetting the Islamic teachings of love and peace to conquer everything... by the way, interestingly enough the hizb tahrir members were freed just before the official holiday when the print media had already went for holiday

  3. oh really...d fact is print media never put d truth whn they get freed...they got plenty of time to do so...but they forget after they fail to convince people...we dont trust media anymore coz they are loway to thr master(i.e west), nt truth...

  4. it is one of the problems of the radicals, they uphold what suits them, not truth

  5. the irony of fate is dat, they do not trust the media, but they cant do away with the media. ha ha ha


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