JMB tops suspect list in PP murder

Bomb like the one used in killing of Jhalakathi judges recovered

Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) is on top of the law enforcers' list of suspected killers of Jhalakathi district court Public Prosecutor Hyder Hossain although investigators did not find any clue to the murder as of last evening.

Meanwhile, the joint forces yesterday recovered a powerful live bomb--identical to the one used for killing the two Jhalakathi judges on November 14, 2005--around half a kilometre off the scene of Hyder's murder.

"Hyder Hossain's conducting of the Jhalakathi judges killing case against the militant kingpins might have triggered the murder," said Lt Col Shamim in the district.

"Possibility of any third party's involvement has also been taken into consideration and the investigation is being conducted carefully," he added.

Unknown assailants on Wednesday night shot dead Hyder who was the chief counsel of the case filed against JMB militants for killing two Jhalakathi judges.

Found in an abandoned bag, the bomb weighing 500 grams contained power gel, detonator, cycle and plastic balls. A knife, three cell phone chargers, a nail cutter and a razor were also found in the bag.

The joint force members held one Manoranjan, 45, and his son Sukhranjan, 18, from the spot for interrogation.

A team of explosives experts led by Rab-8 DAD Abul Hasan defused the bomb at 9:00am yesterday.

The police said the killers might have brought the bomb to clear their way out but left it in the face of the joint forces' extensive search operation following Hyder Hossain's killing.

The police also recovered from the spot a cartridge believed to be of the bullet shot at Hyder's forehead.

Security measures were beefed up in and around Barisal and Jhalakathi as panic gripped the inhabitants following the gruesome murder. Law enforcers were deployed at different strategic points, including the residences of those having connection with the trial of the two judges killing case.

Senior assistant judges Jagannath Pandey and Sohel Ahmed were killed in a suicide bomb attack at Purba Chadkati in Jhalakathi town on November 14, 2005 in the wake of a series of violent militant attacks across the country.

Kabir Ahmed, deputy commissioner (DC) of Jhalakathi, said Hyder Hossain did not agree to accept the security measures proposed to him following the execution of the JMB kingpins.

Six check posts were put up at different points in Barisal city and vehicles and people were being searched and questioned.

UNB adds: The body of Hyder was brought to his home in Jhalakathi town yesterday after autopsy at the Barisal Medical College Hospital. Hyder was laid to rest at the Jhalakathi municipal graveyard after namaj-e-janazas in Jhalakathi town and his Kandarkati village.

-The Daily Star


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